Saturday, March 19, 2011

Supermoon & Planting

Tonight's Supermoon rising over the mountains

Sowing carrots, spinach, mizuna, kale and lettuce.

 We can use shade cloth (potato sacks, burlap, whatever's free) when it get's too hot and sunny for these cold crops and when frost threatens we'll put up the floating row covers we purchased from one of the local nurseries.

We planted everything as above except for the cabbage which is going into the coldframe tomorrow.

This soil has a good moisture retention and organic matter.

Chinook hops are coming up!

Supermoon computer digital photo art

1 comment:

  1. Nice super moon---we missed it here in Chicago--very overcast! But Friday's was pretty spectacular. Lots of planting to be done- hope the weather's good to you this spring.
