mammoth sunflowers are growing tall and holding up well to the wind. getting nice thick stalks. should support themselves and hopefully hold up to these monsoons coming up.
peas are starting to grow on the string. looking real nice in this one spot
organic bibb lettuce is picking up the pace, also seems not to mind this intense heat, or being overcrowded.
our lemon cucumbers seem like they have settled in, and are finally resuming some healthy growth. Flowers have been picked off of most plants to promote strong growth.
our yellow squash plants have been looking good.
one of the watermelons seems to have also taken off (below)
A nice "mound" of four or five organic watermelon plants
corn, really enjoying all the water and all the New Mexico sun
It is amazing how fast it's growing! Real corn...can't wait.
While at the hardware store we picked up a rosemary plant from Bonnie greenhouses. Should be happy inside. Tomatoes sure were. We also have some organic sage and organic oregano we started from seed. They were outside for sometime, but now seem to be happier inside, with all the houseplants. We got a bag of potting mix for some babys that our spider plant has sprouted. It seems really happy in the bathroom with the bamboo.
Bird bath keeps 'em off the drippers when full.
Feeder tower all filled up. Maybe last one week. hopefully
The pups keeping cool in the 90 degree weather.
Below are two awesome bird-feeders.
So I will try to get up another blog as soon as I notice substantial growth,
unless I can get to building some trellises or teepees. I will post that. Also, there has been talk of moving the compost bin near the outside of the garden. It needs daily water to get hot enough.
Project in the works.
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