Steady steady rains
corn flowers with the Sangre de Christos in the background
chiles are doing great! the jalapenos are filling in with fruit and even the sweet California whatever peppers are coming in. Now just waiting on the infamous habaneros.
Growing all-organic from seed can be difficult but rewarding in the final product. Cant' wait to learn about seed storage methods.
I spread most of the manure inside the garden yesterday. It was difficult, hot, and the gnats and mosquitos love it when you sweat. Our recent rains have been longer and slower. BAsically absorbing better, putting those nutrients right into the ground from above. No more wash-outs though since I put up barriers ( a log with steaks along one side and boards on the other two sides at the top of the driveway
peas, still tasting great! Basil, constantly harvesting ,lettuce, lemon cucumbers, green beans. I am most excited about the lemon cucumbers. We were buying them all last summer from a farmer and they are so tasty. should be only a few more days, the wait
we have harvested a lot of squash, eaten most of it and given some to out neighbor/landlady and out friends got some too, it is really tasty on the grill, right off the plant. Some have been mutant-Siamese squash. i think it's because the flowers mesh together, it is pretty crowded down there. Also I wouldn't be too surprised if something similar happened with the cukes
Watermelons are doing very well. At least six or seven are now baseball size.
Training them to grow up the fence proved a success. As well as starting indoors 4-6 weeks before planting. Hopefully the next blog we'll have tasted one or two : )
Also the green beans have begun to flourish.
After all the recent rain, the arroyo/fire-pit area is changed. Much greener and now the actual arroyo, washout is flat and I can drive my truck over it to where most of this upcoming winter's wood will be harvested. Gotta still clean out the fuel filter and screen on my chainsaw, but then I'll be felling, hauling, bucking and splitting firewood in no time. i feel like it's healthy to keep a few projects on the back burner..something to look froward to . also in the works is a permament horse-shoe pit, various garden improvements, and drip system mods etc.
male flower of corn plant. also some tomatillo bushes, and the mammoth sunflowers are starting to flower while standing at one and a half my height
Hops flowering. Hopefully we can get a nice Chinook harvest and freeze it for future brewing. Might purchase a vacuum-sealer
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