after speaking with a few quasi-experts about hops, i've decided to harvest some soon..(next day or so) and the rest as they come. Pick, dry for a few days, then package in vacuum sealed bags and frozen. this new freezer couldn't have come at a better time, just as we;re harvesting enough food to preserve. now I may need a lesson in home-brew before using these awesome chinook hops. also I will need various home brewing supplies. maybe i should check out the local home brew supply shop. then i'll probably end up at the hardware store seeing how i can make the same thing for less cost. defiantly back burner material with the hops being froze and all.
general garden views ,some pics becke took and weird beetles on a cholla cactus.
re-headed an axe the other day. no instructions, research or real general knowledge. has anyone ever done this before? i got the head most of the way on and without warping the metal at all. now i think i just have to get this wooden shim in there. should be an awesome axe for years to come. got it while over at a friend's who had no use for it. i'm hoping to fell some smaller trees with it. (maybe not, the chainsaw is just as fun.) but at least it is a necessary tool added to my ever growing collection, organized collection at that.
shed after...wish i could find some before pics. it got really bad just before we cleaned/ organized. now it is awesome...we were joking about how I would be hanging out in there all the time. at least I thought we were joking. this new freezer is awesome. you'll probably hear that one a lot
wed. we cleaned the shed, hallway closet, and everything in between. moved the huge amp and a chair into the living room...much nicer :) bought a freezer and an extension cord (nicest one i've ever bought) and hooked it all up in the tool shed
if you've ever come to stay here you would be thankful for our newly organized linen closet...complete with "cowboy" mat inside!
some more pics of the log bench i built the other day (tues i think) becke took the photos this time though.
absolutely loving this only hope is that the last summer warmth lasts long enough for our romas and watermelons to ripen on the vine. keep our fingers crossed.
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later on today i will harvest some squash and maybe try air-drying it. sliced thin and put on a screen or something better. we'll see. also depending on jalapenos and lemon cucumbers there might be another late night pickling session:) .....more to follow
Nice work on the shed. The freezer will be filled in no time. Food looks yummy--wish I were there to enjoy it fresh off the vine! Save plenty for us to have when we visit some time this winter. Love pictures of Ax-Man Alex,,,,need more pictures of Becke, too!
ReplyDeleteAll this organic farming sure takes up lots of your time, doesn't it? Fire pit is coming along nicely, too. Should be great by Thanksgiving.