Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election day off from work

kefir operation:

kefir "grains"

kefir at various stages:
L to R; finished cultured drink under refrigeration, non-homogenized milk ready to be mixed with the "grains" and put in the cupboard and shaken often, and the grains in milk waiting to be used again soon.
some ripe tomatoes we blanched and froze earlier today

hot water bath

blanched romas on a cookie sheet to freeze individually, for later vaccum sealing and further freezing. It was the recommended method from a tomato farmer at the S.Fe Farmer's Market. It was really fast because we didn't peel or process beyond the blanching .

mullein leaves drying

wood stove overhaul pt. 2

just need to put a piece of screen I have up on the top of the chimney ...tomorrow maybe

We got a special delivery today. It was coat rack for our entryway and is made by Dave's Stuff Inc. (link below)


This rack and the other window handles and tarp stakes seem very well made. Anyone seeking wholesale orders should inquire at the link above.

below is a close-up shot with some of our coats and scarves on it. We just need to go out and get some magnetic clips to attach on the top bar (as seen on the website) for gloves and such.

This rack is 42" and fits perfectly on the wall near our door. It holds way more than the previous four hooks we had here and is very organized.

1 comment:

  1. you should send pictures and testimonal about the hanger bar to Dad! Looks great.

    Yogurt making now? yummmmm
