Saturday, February 26, 2011

Quick Saturday Post

It is almost March and we still have some firewood left.

Cutting barrel rings for a hoop house:

All eight rings are cut now we just have to build a wood frame for them to attach to and put some plastic row cover on it. I have a few deck planks that are around sixteen feet long so that might work. Maybe three feet wide. Spinach anyone? Time to plant some seeds this week.


  1. Snow just started here. Not going to be more than an inch though and by Wednesday it will be in the sixties during the day.

  2. Alex, it's Aviv here...

    Listen, I want to talk about some of the Firewood techniques you're using. I've got so much wood, and I need some help/pointers on a couple of things.

    FYI, looks like we're leading almost identical lives... LOL - Farms, nature, dogs, outdoors and enjoying the little things in life. That's what it's all about.


    Get in touch with me please... RE: firewood.

    My email address is - hit me up and we'll exchange numbers.
